Moving Against the World Trend: Changes in the Composition of Exports between 2016-2020


Unlike Europe and the United States, the Brazilian government adopts a growth strategy focused on
primary and natural resource-based sectors, which are associated with larger intensity of greenhouse gas
emissions and broader environmental degradation, instead of sectors with greater technological intensity,
which generate more growth with less environmental impacts. The diversification of the Brazilian
economy fell from 196 competitive industries in 2016 to 167 in 2020. The share of primary goods in total
exports increased from 37.2% to 44.3% in the same period, and the share of medium and high technology
products fell from 20.2% to 14.2% and from 5.2% to 3.1%, respectively. We found a significant increase
in the amount of raw wood and gold exported between 2016 and 2020. This growth increases the alert
that a part of the products sold may come from illegal activities.


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How to Cite
Prates Romero, J., Evelyn de Carvalho, D., Ribeiro Queiroz, A., & Eustáquio de Moura Lopes, C. (2021). Moving Against the World Trend: Changes in the Composition of Exports between 2016-2020. Brazilian Keynesian Review, 7(1), 155-176.
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