Payroll tax relief: a sectoral characterization based on RAIS and National Accounts data
Discussions on the payroll tax relief policy have reemerged in the news due to President Lula's veto in October 2023 to a bill that proposed extending the measure until 2027. However, the resumption of public debate lacked the necessary technical rigor to analyze the complexity of the law and its effects. This article aims to contribute to this discussion by providing a detailed characterization of the sectors effectively benefited by the policy, using sectoral aggregations consistent with CNAE. The analysis reveals that it is not appropriate to mention 17 exempted sectors, but rather 141 exempted activities (CNAE classes). Furthermore, correctly aggregated sectoral data shows that the effectively exempted activities had worse outcomes in terms of employment and payroll (decline) compared to non-exempted activities (stability) between 2010 and 2021. Additionally, among the top 15 employing activities in the country, only 3 are exempted. Therefore, the measure is not aligned with best practices in industrial and technological policies, lacking clear criteria for sectors to be benefited, as well as performance goals and specific timelines for each sector.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gustavo de Britto Rocha, Alexandre de Queiroz Stein, Diogo Oliveira Santos, Arthur Ribeiro Queiroz, João Prates Romero

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