Keywords: Household Debt, Student Loans, Debt Canceling, Post-Keynesian Economics


This paper aims to contribute to the debate on the US student debt situation. First, it highlights the determination of labor earnings and economic activity as a function of macroeconomic conditions and the relevance of considering this endogeneity to analyzing student debt sustainability. Next, I present a background on student loans and the labor market in the US. Moreover, using a Minskyian framework, I argue that the current student debt situation can have adverse results on economic activity, although not leading to financial instability. Last, I comment on the student debt cancellation debate, proposing alternative policies with more progressive and lasting effects.


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How to Cite
Pereira Serra, G. (2023). A COMMENT ON THE US STUDENT LOAN SITUATION FROM A POST-KEYNESIAN PERSPECTIVE. Brazilian Keynesian Review, 9(1), 53-76. https://doi.org/10.33834/bkr.v9i1.291