Macroprudential policy debate, concepts and the Brazilian context
The economics literature related to the financial system seeks to define the concepts of financial stability, systemic risk and macroprudential instruments for the purpose of drafting a policy that essentially "leans against the wind", that is, a policy that monitors macroeconomic vulnerabilities and combats system instability. Such a policy should cover all financial institutions involved in credit intermediation (not just banks) and consider the pro-cyclical and intrinsic nature of risk in the financial system, and account for the spillovers effects of policies in other countries, that is, the global context. This article summarizes the main concepts related to macroprudential policy discussed in the economics literature after the crisis the 2008 financial crisis. In addition, we describe macroprudential policy in the context of the Brazilian financial system, specifically major policies implemented in the banking regulatory environment related to Basel III and non-bank regulations related to shadow banks. After the 2008 crisis, Brazil was one of the precursors countries in operating macroprudential instruments to curb excessive credit growth and strong capital inflows. The Brazilian financial system has a broad regulatory perimeter, adhering to international standards and covering the Shadow banking system. This system has a weak connection with the banking system and is small relative to the financial assets of the national and global systems.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Míriam Oliveira Silva Portugues, Viviane Luporini, Luis Antonio Licha

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